About us / À propos
Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Ottawa, Meg Stalcup founded CAM/MAC in 2016 as space to collaborate with students and colleagues. Principal individual research are listed on her page, while group project are in our portfolio of collaborations. A more complete listing of activities and publications is on her faculty page
Meg Stalcup
Professeure agrégée d'anthropologie à l'Université d'Ottawa, Meg Stalcup a fondé le CAM/MAC en 2016 comme espace de collaboration avec des étudiants et des collègues. Ses principaux projets de recherche individuels sont présentés sur sa page, tandis que les projets de groupe se trouvent dans notre portefeuille de collaborations. Une liste plus complète des activités et des publications se trouve sur la page de la faculté.
Collaboratory members and others occasionally affiliated
Piero Amand MA Anthropologie l'UCLouvain (Belgique), current CAM/MAC lab assistant, is a PhD student in Anthropology researching how youth in Québec navigate between subjugation and empowerment in the education system.
Biserka Veloso BA Architecture, former CAM/MAC lab assistant, is currently an MA student in Anthropology researching how dignity is designed into public spaces in Santiago, Chile.
Tara Tikuisis BA Anthropology and collaboratory participant, is currently an MA student in Anthropology researching river relations within the Ottawa River Watershed. https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/5265/profile
Max Dortilus, MA Anthropologie et Écologie, MA Droit, Économie, Gestion, former CAM/MAC lab assistant, is currently a PhD student in Anthropology researching art and artists in Brazil. https://fonderiedarling.org/en/Max-Dortilus
Khalil Habrih, MA Sociology and MA Political Science, collaboratory participant, is currently a PhD candidate in Anthropology researching planning, topography, and queer affect in Paris’ 18th arrondissement https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/4655
Zoé Dontigny-Charette MA Développement international, collaboratory participant and current MA student in anthropology studying les impacts de la vague hallyu sur sa société et la culture sud-coréenne https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/5984
Carmin Fullin, PhD Anthropology, teaches at the University of Ottawa and collaborates with Professor Meg Stalcup on AABrO https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/4964/profile
What do we do?
Each academic year, a student leads our efforts, in coordination with peers, under the guidance of Professor Meg Stalcup. As a group, we are dedicated to fostering fieldwork-based approaches to the internet, generative AI, images, sound, the senses, cities, popular culture, museums, and archives. Eclectic in our intellectual inspiration, we are nonetheless invested in how to remediate anthropology for the 21st century. CAM/MAC provides a centralized space at the University of Ottawa for faculty and student researchers to pursue these inquiries. Throughout the academic year, we hold (more or less) monthly events that help conceptualize our empirical projects, allow us to discuss techniques for using different media in research and in the classroom, and develop a shared visual/sensory vocabulary. Activities have included the Controversy 150 Film Series, screenings by filmmakers, a lecture series on Black curation, podcasts, group excursions as a form of sensorial voyage, making videos our YouTube channel, and the establishment of a research nexus for the anthropology of Ottawa. Come find us on the 10th floor in FSS 10035 (to the left as you exit the elevators) or send an email to Professor Stalcup.
Que faisons-nous ?
Chaque année scolaire, un.e étudiant.e dirige nos efforts, en coordination avec ses pairs, sous la direction de la professeure Meg Stalcup. En tant que groupe, nous nous consacrons à encourager les approches basées sur le travail de terrain dans des domaines tels que l'internet, l'IA générative, les images, le son, les sens, les villes, la culture populaire, les musées et les archives. Eclectiques dans notre inspiration intellectuelle, nous sommes néanmoins investis dans la remédiation de l'anthropologie pour le 21ème siècle. Le CAM/MAC offre un espace de rencontre à l'Université d'Ottawa pour que les professeurs et les étudiants puissent poursuivre ces recherches. Tout au long de l'année universitaire, nous organisons des événements (plus ou moins) mensuels qui nous aident à conceptualiser nos projets empiriques, nous permettent de discuter des techniques d'utilisation de différents médias dans la recherche et dans la salle de classe, et de développer un vocabulaire visuel/sensoriel partagé. Les activités comprennent la série de films Controversy 150, des projections par des cinéastes, une série de conférences sur les commissaires d'exposition noir.e.s, des podcasts, des excursions de groupe comme forme de voyage sensoriel, la réalisation de vidéos sur notre chaîne YouTube, et l'établissement d'un réseau de recherche pour l'anthropologie d'Ottawa. Venez nous trouver au 10ème étage dans le FSS 10035 (à gauche en sortant des ascenseurs), ou assistez à nos événements ! Vous pouvez également envoyer un courriel à Mme Stalcup.
Where are they now? | Où sont-ils aujourd'hui ?
Delilah Edouard Williams BA Anthropology, former CAM/MAC lab assistant, is a curator. See her series on Black curation for CAM/MAC and the exhibit she curated for the Ottawa Art Gallery
Alex Karabatsos MA Anthropology, former collaboratory participant, occasional visitor and current UX anthropologist
Jasmin Macarios MA Anthropology, former collaboratory participant, currently a master’s student at uOttawa in information science.
Yvonne Wallance MA Anthropology, former collaboratory participant, is a PhD candidate in anthropology at the University of Toronto
Heather Buist, MA Anthropology, former CAM/MAC lab assistant, lab decorator, and collaboratory participant, now with CBI Health
Sean Miller MA Anthropology, CAM/MAC's first lab assistant! and a Dialogue Designer at Compulsion Games
Lucas Mollame BA Anthropology, former CAM/MAC lab assistant, and a Master of Arts in Planning candidate https://theconversation.com/profiles/lucas-mollame-1117964
Angeline Boswell, BA Anthropology, former undergraduate student in anthropology and now a psychotherapist. Some of her anthropological work can be seen here https://www.cammac.space/angeline-boswell